Visit the wine square

The museum opens permanently The wine saquare
, a new visiting space that has seven audiovisual areas that include twelve interactive screens, a giant boot with an indoor projection, 3D projections and digital recreations of historical spaces. In addition, visitors can see the monumental wine press of 1831, and the emblematic mural of the vineyard and the wine of Pau Boada.
This tour can be accompanied by an audio guide.

Free admission
Entrance with tasting: € 3

Catalunya Wine Tasting

Embark on a unique experience to learn about Catalan wine cultures. This experience combines a
guided tour
of the museum facilities with a
wine tasting
from our esteemed and nearby wineries.

Every Thursday of July and August at 6:30 p.m.

Language: English

Fira’t de vi. Wineries with a Spirit of Solidarity

Fira’t de vi is the museum's small-format fair. It's a showroom where attendees can meet the producers and taste the wines they present. On this occasion, we will learn about various solidarity projects led by the wineries, adding value to the wine tasting commented on by the participating winery teams.

XI Grant Emili Giralt i Raventós

Open call until November 9th 2024

VINSEUM announces the XI Grant Emili Giralt with the aim of promoting research on grape growing and wine making from the perspective of social sciences and humanities.

The grant, with an award of 6,000 euros, is bestowed on the best research project, in Catalan.

129 Lifes. When the Black Death reached Vilafranca.

Until 2nd march 2025

The construction works of the new VINSEUM revealed to us a medieval necropolis made due to the Black Death. We will investigate more about the 129 lives that were found there and about 14th century Vilafranca with this new temporary exhibition.

Festa Major tastings

Wednesday, August 21, at 7:30 PM

A preparatory tasting for the Festa Major where we will get to know some of the wines from Honorary Friend wineries that pair best with the festivities of San Fèlix.

The Hands of Wine. Visit to Torner Cooperage

Saturday, September 21, at 11 AM
A new offering in the cycle "The Hands of Wine," activities aimed at bringing us closer to the craftsmanship associated with wine.

Programa Educatiu 2024-2025

Estrenem nou programa educatiu!
Aquest octubre el VINSEUM obrirà les portes reformat i ampliat i, des de l’àrea d’educació, hem aprofitat aquest moment per renovar també les activitats destinades a centres educatius.

En aquest primer moment comptarem amb sis activitats educatives vinculades a l’exposició estable del nou museu.

Reserves a:

Family Workshop. Let's Harvest Grapes!

Saturday, September 7, at 11 AM

It's harvest time, even at the VINSEUM vineyard. We invite you to roll up your sleeves to harvest some grape clusters and press them using a small screw press.

VINSEUM opens its doors to Jazz music

VINSEUM Auditorium keeps on hosting the programming cycle of concerts of the Vilafranca Jazz Club. As always,
the Friends of VINSEUM enjoy a discount on the entry

Helena Camps Quartet, Saturday, September 21, at 8:30 PM

Els cellers del trimestre

Tast amb cellers Amics d'Honor del museu

Dimecres 24 de juliol, a les 20 h

Sala de tast

Compra online

Mosteca: 2nd Itinerant Ethnobotanical Film Festival by Eixarcolant

Saturday, September 14, at 12 PM

VINSEUM is participating in the new edition of the Itinerant Ethnobotanical Film Festival organized by the Eixarcolant collective, which takes place across the Catalan region. The screening will be accompanied by a small debate and a tasting of foods related to the film.

Free admission with prior reservation

Visit to Cal Berger with Carmina Admella

Saturday, September 28, at 11 AM Cal Berger

Our head of restoration, Carmina Admella, will guide us on a visit to the museum's reserves, where we will discover its collections and the restoration laboratory at Cal Berger.